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TLP - Merry Christmas from the followers
Merry Christmas from Brighton Lindyhoppers
Merry Christmas from Chris and Lindy
Bad Daddies My Mistake
We are Followers of Yours And You Are Our IMAM Love and Respect For TLP's Head Leader Princesses!
TLP - Level 2 - Lindy & Charleston - Week 3 (2/18/2016)
THE ROAD TRIP 🚗❤️ || *WITH VOICE* || Toca Boca TikTok Roleplay
2 leaders + 1 follower: 20's Partnered Charleston, Shag & Lindy Jam
New year or Birthday wish krna jaiz hai?(Mufti Tariq masood,Engineer Ali mirza)Topic94
12/05/2018 - Swing 2B Week 4 - Swingout variations (kick ball change, crossovers, shakey shake)
TLP 049 - Instawhat with Cantubruner Designs.mp3
Solo Jazz — Маша Титова (Follower's Weekend with Fast Feet Club)